Přednáška: From Theory to Reality: Modelling Tasks for the Classroom / MEd. Katharina Forster a MEd. Annika Rosendahl (Universität Münster)
19. března 2025
15:00 – 16:15 - Učebna 32, budova D, Poříčí 31
This seminar session is designed for students and teachers interested in mathematical modelling tasks at lower secondary school level. It begins with a brief theoretical introduction to the concept of modelling tasks, followed by an exploration of their key characteristics and an examination of selected examples. Additionally, the integration of modelling tasks into the school context is examined, with a closer look at the opportunities and challenges involved. Participants will discuss potential assessment methods and exam formats related to modeling tasks.
- Pořadatel
Katedra matematiky (Pedagogická fakulta)
Jednota českých matematiků a fyziků (JČMF Brno)
- Odpovědnost
PhDr. Eva Nováková, Ph.D.
- Další informace, fotografie nebo videa k události