"The privilege of life is to become who you really are."

Carl Gustav Jung

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The Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Arts of the Masaryk University is the oldest psychological department in the Czech Republic, founded in 1926 by Professor Mihajlo Rostohar. The Department has developed a clear profile for almost a hundred years, including high-quality teaching, professional and scientific activities in the basic theoretical fields of psychology and psychological research methodology, clinical and applied disciplines, and cognitive and experimental psychology.

Psychology is the fascinating science of human experience, behaviour and cognition, and it has a key place in studying human beings and their role in the world.
At the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts MU, we are dedicated not only to the education of future psychologists but also to research that brings new insights
and helps us better understand the complexities of the human mind. Our institute offers various study programmes, from undergraduate and graduate
to doctoral programs, that prepare students for academic careers and applied practice. At the same time, we collaborate with experts
to provide the highest quality education and research.

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