AI Unveiled: Revolutionizing Digital Marketing Practices

What is the role of artificial intelligence in marketing? What are the major rules, options, and complications related to digital marketing? What are the current trends in the digital arena? What about the current best practices?

Answers to these and many other questions you may hear from our guest lecturers Mr. Adam Popelka and Mr. Radoslav Bačik from the Brno-based digital agency AdBros. Our experienced guests will introduce some not-widely known features and use cases of AI tools in marketing and digital marketing. Thematically, our guest will cover an array of topics around digital marketing and its dynamic interplay with AI.

The interactive part in the form of a Q&A session will follow whereby you are cordially invited to take an active role.

The visiting lecture is organized within the course Digital Marketing and Social Media Analyses and will be held fully in English.

Katedra podnikové ekonomiky a managementu (Ekonomicko-správní fakulta)
Ing. Dušan Mladenovič, Ph.D.

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