Current projects

Factors of successful psychological and social functioning in a changing world
Project code: MUNI/A/1673/2024

A virtual environment for the presentation of the outputs of mathematical models of the movement of people
Project code: FW06010581

The Effect of Individual Visual Sensitivity on Time Perception
Project code: MUNI/C/0013/2024

Possibilities for the Application of Findings from Basic Psychological Research
Project code: MUNI/A/1519/2023

Completed projects

The use of multimodal learning analytics to study self-regulated learning processes in learning management systems
Project code: GA21-08218S

The influence of folk culture on psychological well-being
Project code: MUNI/A/1408/2022

Cognitive psychology and spatial syntax in a virtual environment for agent models
Project code: TL02000103

Validation of methods measuring analytical and holistic cognitive style
Project code: MUNI/A/1323/2020

The Human Mind: An Introduction to the Cognitive Sciences
Project code: MUNI/FR/1149/2018

The influence of cartographic visualization methods on the success of solving practical and educational spatial tasks
Project code: MUNI/M/0846/2015

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